Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blogger Fight! Cow's Milk

I got into my first, and hopefully last, blogger fight tonight with a long time and very popular Weight Watchers blogger. The fight centered around putting cow's milk into a green smoothie, the concept of "everything in moderation" and my radical approach to food. Let's just say she didn't agree with too much of what I was saying . . . to witness the fight in all of it's non-glory, go here and scroll down to the comments section.

I needed some help from my friends on this one, so I kinda started asking around on Facebook for some thoughts on the subject. I received a few very interesting ideas and I'd like to share them here with you. Starting with how to have a discussion with someone convinced that drinking cow's milk is perfectly okay for humans, to which a very kind Nutritionist named Marty Davey answered:

"First, I want to see the video of the guy who convinced the other guy to pull a cow's teet and get the first milk.

Next, ask them why they drink another species breast milk which is supposed to turn a 60 pound calf into a 600 pound cow in si...x months. We don't let babies drink it due to the protein differences btn human and cow milk. The cow milk will kill them.

Then, ask them why they would want to ingest something that has been linked to breast, prostate and ovarian cancer?

Remind them that you are sure they did their homework and know that tofu is #1 in absorbable calcium in the US. Cow milk is #7, after collards, bok choy and kale.

Then, I would say I understand why you can't give up something that acts as an opiate in the body. Junkies can always justify.

Lastly, I would ask them to read the China Study and show you where you are out to lunch on this 'dairy thing.'"
How do you think Roni would respond to that?
Next, kind words from Habib Wicks, the co-owner of, who answered me in my time of need:

"this might get me flamed, but I have done some hard time in some "rich" areas of the country, while married. NYC, Palm Beach County and now Boulder. What I observe is that women control the social agenda/narrative, while the men are working... and totally removed from this narrative. Now, we all know that women relate to other women differently than how men deal with men. My observation is that if the WRONG women control things, bad things happen. If women like Wendy speak up and dont back down, good things will happen. It is almost a binary thing. I'm not even a vegan- what I am fighting for is a modicum of nutritional intelligence. I know that Dr F is more frustrated than you are Wendy. My own view is that the narrative is everything. And in that context, the person with the most courage wins."

And then this book was pointed out to me: Whitewash, the Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and your Health. A nice summary of the book came from one of the reviewers on"Isn't milk supposed to be good for us and doesn't it make our bones healthy? Even into the third chapter I was still thinking this can't be right...milk is good for us. I have been throughly brainwashed or "whitewashed" to think this by all the "Got Milk" ads and the multi-billion dollar milk industry. The author, Joseph Keon sites a multitude of articles and peer-reviewed medical journals and certain points of the book it is daunting to see the risks of milk. The sheer amount of research and overwhelming documentation against the benefits of milk and the risks and complications with drinking milk is disturbing. It's a milk fallacy that we have all grown up believing that we need to drink milk to be healthy. We are the only animals that drink milk after infancy. Even though we drink more milk than most countries we have a higher incidence of hip fractures. Milk increases the risks of obesity, diabetes and many other conditions. This book has not only changed my health but the health of my family. This book is a must read for everyone who drinks milk."
So what do you all think? Do I have the courage to fight this fight? Should I?

P.S. Found some great links this morning you might want to check out:

Brenda Davis RD talks about vegan junk food and the healthy way to be vegan.

Sara Novak talks about how do do healthy vegan on a budget.
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