Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr. Fuhrman Segment on FOX5 News and GOMBS

This really isn't worth me talking about until you have seen the segment, so here it is:

This is definitely the first I have heard of Dr. Fuhrman's very specific "GOMBS" list, but hey, there's a first time for everything. And if it assists people in remembering what foods are best to eat, I'm all for it.

As for the idiotic things that the newscasters say after the interviews with the two doctors, all I can say is that media can be disturbing. Without knowing anything about Eat to Live, these public figures say a lot of extraordinarily stupid, uneducated things about it. Like Dr. Fuhrman really just wants you to eat his recipes and purchase his cookbooks? Has anyone out there ever felt this way? Who cares what recipes you use as long as you are consuming the most nutrient dense foods. Oh vey . . .

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