Thursday, May 19, 2011

Come Heckle Me this Sunday at Whole Foods

Before I get to the meat (ha ha) of this blog post, I want to mention that there is a great interview with Rip Esselstyn on the PEERtrainer blog today if you haven't yet caught wind of that. If you are new to this blog and to the Plant-strong way of eating, it's a must read!

Now down to business. This Sunday, May 22nd, I will be presenting a talk at my local Whole Foods (Cedar Center). If you live in the area and you want to meet me in person, I encourage you to attend. I'm part of a whole line-up of informative speakers at the Whole Foods Health Starts Here Community Day.

The details are as follows:
12 p.m. to 5 p.m. - No charge.  Bring your friends and family! 
Lots of healthy eating samples throughout the store and a variety of talks throughout the afternoon. 

Guest Speakers:
12 p.m.  Dorothy Sprecher, M.D. Institute of Functional Medicine
                The Impact of Gluten on Life and Diet (followed by a store tour)
1 p.m.   Ellen Darby, WFM Healthy Eating Specialist
                The Secrets of Label Reading (Everything you always wanted to know about label reading and were afraid  to ask)
2 p.m.  Todd Pesek, M.D. Holistic Medical Specialist, Great Lakes Health Institute
                Superfoods, SuperYOU
3 p.m.  Wendy Solganik, Nutritarian &  Blogger, Healthy Girl’s Kitchen
                Transitioning to a Vegan Diet and Loving It
4 p.m.   Ellen Darby and Whole Foods Market Culinary Team – Demo & Tasting
                Healthy , Plant-Strong Eating For Summer

I hope you can stop by and say hello!
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