I mentioned this film a few weeks ago here on Healthy Girl's Kitchen. I don't know much about it except that it is playing here in Cleveland this weekend and it touches upon the subject of a plant based diet (my favorite subject!). I would be getting a babysitter and attending but my daughters are in an ice skating show. I hope that if you are local you will go see the film and report back!
West Shore Veg Group to host film “PLANEAT”
PLANEAT is the story of three men's life-long search for a diet which is good for our health, good for the environment and good for the future of the planet. With an additional cast of pioneering chefs and some of the best cooking you have ever seen, the scientists and doctors in the film present a convincing case for the West to re-examine its love affair with meat and dairy. The film features the ground-breaking work of Dr. T Colin Campbell in China exploring the link between diet and disease, The Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's use of diet to treat heart disease patients, and Professor Gidon Eshel's investigations into how our food choices contribute to global warming, land use and oceanic deadzones.
With the help of some innovative farmers and chefs, PLANEAT shows how the problems we face today can be solved, without resorting to a diet of lentils and lettuce leaves.
Film length – 87 minutes.
WHEN: Saturday, May 21st, 2011, at 7pm
WHERE: West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church
COST: $5.00 at the door ($3.00 for West Shore Vegetarian Group Members)
Hosted by West Shore Vegetarian Group
Please plan on staying after the film for healthy, delicious refreshments and conversation!