Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reader Advice Day: Other Cookbooks, Besides Eat to Live?

Hi Everyone! It feels so strange to me right now to not have a new blog post every single day of the week, but real life has taken over my fast blogging pace and I'm slowing down a little. But don't think that I am not thinking about you or my Eat to Live Cookbook! I'm excited to get home tonight to start preparing the Bok Choy Salad.

But before I get to chopping, I want to share an e-mail with you that I received and get your feedback on it.

Hello! I have been following your blog with the Eat to Live cookbook and I love reading all of your comments and insight. I especially liked your post about trying to feed your children healthy foods and feeling like its almost impossible at times. I really appreciated the honesty.

I bought the cookbook a couple of weeks ago and have been pretty much only making those recipes. I imagine it is a lot easier for me since I am not cooking for any children (only one fiance who is not exactly ecstatic that I only make healthy things now ;-)). Joe does want to lose some weight and eat healthier but he is a little pickier than I am. He says he is on board though and I think he is getting used to it. I have recently watched a few documentaries on plant based whole food diets and am now wholeheartedly convinced I can no longer waiver back and forth between eating this way and not. My health is great right now but I am in constant fear that the meds I was put on for my ulcerative colitis will stop working and the terrible symptoms I had will come back. Medically there really aren't many other options for me to try as these meds are pretty hard core already. I hope with this diet change even if the meds do stop working, my symptoms will at least be less severe. I don't think I will ever totally cut out animal products from my diet but I definitely want to severely limit them. This is mainly because I really like to try new things even if its just a taste and I also never want to find myself in a situation where I feel I cannot eat anything that is available.

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