Friday, June 6, 2014

In Defense of the film "Fed Up"

You guys may or may not have seen T. Colin Campbell's scathing analysis of the movie Fed Up. I read his review with great interest, as this movie pretty much changed the direction of my family's way of eating a few weeks ago.

I want you to know that I totally agree with everything that T. Colin Campbell says about this documentary. It is overly simplistic and points a finger at only one of many, many factors (some even yet unknown to us) that are causing the rise in obesity: sugar. By singling out sugar as the bad guy, most people who see this movie will be falsely lured into a feeling that if they just get the sugar out of their diet, then they will be okay.

But you already know better than that.

What T. Colin Cambpell fails to recognize or admit is that this movie has some real, positive power in it. For lack of a better way to say this, don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

So I feel the need to defend "Fed Up!" and here's why:

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