Monday, May 18, 2015

Missed the first Ultimate Weight Loss/HGK Challenge? Or Were You In andNow Ready for the Next Steps? Here's What's Coming Up.

Greetings everyone!

By now you guys know that I am a raving fan of Chef AJ and John Pierre's Ultimate Weight Loss. I'm finally finding my permanent groove with a plant based diet. But ever since the ending of the 21 Day UWL Challenge that AJ and JP so graciously allowed me to "host," I find that my resolve has been a little bit weaker than I strive for.

So, I started really thinking about that. Why am I so enthusiastic to follow a plan to a "T" for a certain period of time, only to find myself beginning to make some of the allowances after that time is over that will prevent me from ultimately being able to reach my goal weight?

Granted, these little allowances are so much different than they have been in the past. Right now, too much guacamole has me wondering what the heck I am doing, where in the past, it would have been like, "Why am I eating this birthday cake when I know that I really don't want to?" 

I know for sure that I owe all of my progress to UWL . . .

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