Thursday, August 20, 2015

Does Your Life Suck? Try Vegetables for Breakfast

Vegetables for breakfast (VFB).

I know, it sounded so odd at first.

Unless you aren't from the United States. It's fairly common all over the world to eat vegetables for breakfast. Just not in the United States. 

Here we eat decadent desserts for breakfast like pancakes or waffles in syrup, pastries or sugary cold cereal. VFB is totally weird.

Now, if you are at a healthy weight and you have been successful at transitioning over to a whole food plant based diet, you don't need to get all upset with me and tell me that there's NO WAY in heck you are giving up your beloved bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Because, good news . . . you don't have to!

This blog posting is for the folks out there who, try as hard as they might, are still caught in "the pleasure trap" and just can't seem to lose the weight no matter what plant based diet they do. 

Or worse.

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