photo courtesy Gena Page Photography
I don't want to brag, but can you see how happy I am? That's a picture of me and my good friend Allyson that was taken about a week ago. (I just have to say that I freakin' love my friend Allyson, she is such a gorgeous soul!)
I'm at a really good place in my life and I'd love to share with you an experience that I had last night that demonstrates the profound changed that have occurred in my health, both physical and mental, over the past year or so.
My husband and I attended an incredible lecture at a large catering hall, After the lecture there was an elaborate dessert reception that a ton of my friends were attending (ie, I didn't want to miss it for anything).
But sugar is my kryptonite. Over the past 45 years of my life, I have alternated between being in the throes of it's grip and occasionally kind of white knuckling my way through not eating sugary foods. My sugar addiction sucked the life out of me. I couldn't understand why I could be successful in so many other areas in my life and at the same time suck so badly at controlling my weight and sugar fixation. I hated that I had no control over a substance that I knew was not healthy for me. I had tried everything that I could find that offered the hope of recovery, but recovery was elusive.
That's why last night was so epic! Last night I easily enjoyed some water, decaffeinated tea and fresh fruit while not being tempted AT ALL by the mountain of sugary desserts. I was calm and happy. I barely noticed the garbage, while in the past I would have been obsessing about whether or not I should eat it and how much could I eat of it without looking like a glutton.
The thoughts that would run through my head were INSANE.
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