Friday, January 15, 2016

Q and A Session Part II on Veggies for Breakfast

Just in case you haven't heard enough talk about VFBs, I'm here today to answer more questions about the VFB habit!

There are so many questions that continue to come in about VFBs, so please excuse me if I have misplaced your particular question. Feel free to ask it again in the comments section to this blog post and I will answer it.

What are your thoughts on Edamame?

Edamame fall into the beans and legumes category and therefore are not a vegetable. They are a very high fat bean, and I eat them sometimes in salads.

With VFB is it strictly just vegetables or is a portion of breakfast the starches also? I notice in your pictures above rice in one picture, chickpeas in another. Do you usually have starch with your VFB? I have been eating primarily broccoli for breakfast and it is a good start but I don't find it to have much staying power/satiety for me and then I fall flat and eat poorly.

The concept of Veggies for Breakfast arose out of two needs:

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