There are so many questions that continue to come in about VFBs, so please excuse me if I have misplaced your particular question. Feel free to ask it again in the comments section to this blog post and I will answer it.
What are your thoughts on Edamame?
Edamame fall into the beans and legumes category and therefore are not a vegetable. They are a very high fat bean, and I eat them sometimes in salads.
With VFB is it strictly just vegetables or is a portion of breakfast the starches also? I notice in your pictures above rice in one picture, chickpeas in another. Do you usually have starch with your VFB? I have been eating primarily broccoli for breakfast and it is a good start but I don't find it to have much staying power/satiety for me and then I fall flat and eat poorly.
The concept of Veggies for Breakfast arose out of two needs:
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